
Showing posts from January, 2024
 Having to go through forested path after forested path proved to be quite difficult. Because those paths were wonky, lopsided in the way the dirt moved between my feet. There is a certain amount of disorientation that comes with not knowing where the next bend ont he road took you to. Though they did all look very similiar. I don't exactly know where I am anymore. "Hey." Oh hello, little man. There's a little man in front of me. Large nose, larger hat. His hands are pudgy, each finger the size of a sausagelink. Am I thinking about food because I'm hungry? "Yeah, you are!!!!!" Said the tiny man with his tiny fingers and large conical hat. "You are hungry because you have not eaten and because you do not know where you are. Thirst will overcome you and in three days you will die, a rotten, dessicated husk of a human form on the side of the road." His voice was chipper. wood- "Yes and you will not see your family or friends again because! BE
 I don't know why I woke up. I felt teeth crush my body, crush my bones, crush my skull. One jammed itself into the socket of my skull, it wasn't pretty. I couldn't think, not really, just experience as the rest of my body was inextricably linked with something much bigger than me, how it felt to be swallowed and turned into nourishment for something else. — I did not think it'd end like this, feeling blood course through my veins again, to see and talk and laugh again as my mind flowed with possibility, with the absence of absence, with the satisfaction of a life worth living. I had energy in my limbs, clarity of vision, my throat stopped being parched. It was not right. Because this was a power I only borrowed, one I only kept for myself as long as this delusion could keep me here. I shivered. I twitched. My muscles felt like they would burst underneath my skin, and it felt wrong. It lived underneath me. I devoured it in turn. - I am so hungry. Every day I wake and fo